Package-level declarations

Contains models data classes for Indoor API.


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data class Building(val ref: String, val name: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val openingHours: String? = null, val logo: String? = null, val cover: String? = null, val levels: List<VenueLevel>? = null)
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data class DirectionsLeg(val distance: DistanceValue, val duration: DurationValue, val startLocation: IndoorLocation, val endLocation: IndoorLocation, val steps: List<DirectionsStep>)
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data class DirectionsResponse(val routes: List<DirectionsRoute>)
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data class DirectionsRoute(val bounds: IndoorBounds, val legs: List<DirectionsLeg>)
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data class DirectionsStep(val distance: DistanceValue, val duration: DurationValue, val poiId: String? = null, val bearingStart: Double, val bearingEnd: Double, val startLocation: IndoorLocation, val endLocation: IndoorLocation, val polyline: Line, val instruction: DirectionsStepInstruction, val routingProfiles: List<String>)
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data class DirectionsStepInstruction(val summary: String, val instructionType: String)
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data class DistanceValue(val value: Double? = null, val text: String? = null)
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enum for parameter extended

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data class IndoorLocation(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double, val level: Int)
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data class PaginationInfo(val page: Int, val pageCount: Int, val total: Int, val perPage: Int)
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data class VenueFeatureResponse(val venueId: String, val name: String, val bbox: List<Double>, val levels: List<VenueLevel>? = null, val categories: List<String>? = null, val buildings: List<Building>? = null, val updatedAt: String)
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data class VenueLevel(val level: Int, val name: String? = null, val ref: String? = null, val bbox: List<Double>)
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data class VenuePoisAutocompletePrediction(val id: Int, val name: String, val distance: Int?, val duration: Int?, val level: Int, val ref: String?, val building: String?, val category: String?)
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data class VenueSearchResponse(val pagination: PaginationInfo, val features: List<GeoJsonObject>)
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data class VenuesElementResponse(val venueId: String, val name: String, val bbox: IndoorBounds)


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