Package-level declarations

Contains models data classes for Stores API.


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data class AssetAddressResponse(val lines: List<String>? = null, val countryCode: String? = null, val city: String? = null, val zipcode: String? = null)

An object containing the separate components applicable to this address.

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Asset Autocomplete Response with highlighted results on asset name.

data class AssetAutocompleteResponsePredictionsInner(val name: String? = null, val highlighted: String? = null, val storeId: String, val types: List<String>? = null, val matchedSubstrings: List<MatchedSubstring>? = null)
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data class AssetContact(val website: String? = null, val phone: String? = null, val email: String? = null)

An object containing the asset's contact available information.

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data class AssetFeatureResponse(val type: AssetFeatureResponse.Type, val properties: AssetResponse, val geometry: GeoJsonPoint)

Asset Response as a GeoJSon Feature with Asset properties

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data class AssetOpeningHours(val timezone: String? = null, val usual: AssetOpeningHoursUsual? = null, val special: Map<String, AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null)

An object describing the opening hours of an Asset.

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data class AssetOpeningHoursPeriod(val start: String, val end: String)

The hours for an opening period. To define a slice of time where the asset is open you must define a start and end keys. start and end must belong to the same day (crossing midnight may result in open_now being always false.)

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data class AssetOpeningHoursUsual(val monday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val tuesday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val wednesday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val thursday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val friday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val saturday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val sunday: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val default: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null)

An object describing the usual opening hours of an Asset.

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data class AssetOpenResponse(val currentSlice: AssetOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val openHours: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val openNow: Boolean? = null, val nextOpening: AssetOpenResponseNextOpening? = null, val weekDay: Int? = null)

The Current opening status for an Asset

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data class AssetOpenResponseNextOpening(val end: String? = null, val start: String? = null, val day: String? = null)

the next opening hours period

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data class AssetResponse(val name: String? = null, val storeId: String, val address: AssetAddressResponse? = null, val contact: AssetContact? = null, val open: AssetOpenResponse? = null, val weeklyOpening: AssetWeeklyOpeningResponse? = null, val types: List<String>? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null, val lastUpdated: String? = null, val userProperties: Map<String, Any>? = null, val openingHours: AssetOpeningHours? = null, val distance: Double? = null)

Attributes describing an Asset.

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data class AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod(val hours: List<AssetOpeningHoursPeriod>? = null, val isSpecial: Boolean? = null)

The opening Hours for Monday

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data class AssetWeeklyOpeningResponse(val monday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val tuesday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val wednesday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val thursday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val friday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val saturday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val sunday: AssetWeeklyOpeningHoursPeriod? = null, val timezone: String? = null)

The current Weekly Opening taking into account the special hours

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data class GeoJsonPoint(val type: GeoJsonPoint.Type? = null, val coordinates: List<Double>? = null)

GeoJSon Point Geometry

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data class Pagination(val page: Int, val pageCount: Int)
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data class SearchResponse(val features: List<SearchResponseFeature>, val pagination: Pagination, val type: SearchResponse.TypeFeatureCollection)
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data class SearchResponseFeature(val geometry: GeoJsonPoint, val properties: AssetResponse, val type: SearchResponseFeature.TypeFeature)