
class DataRenderer @JvmOverloads constructor(mapView: MapView? = null, val onTop: Boolean = false) : ClickableRenderer<OnFeatureClick>

Renderer to draw GeoJSON features on a MapView.



The MapView onto which to draw.


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constructor(mapView: MapView? = null, onTop: Boolean = false)


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val onTop: Boolean = false

Draw features above all other pre-existing layers.


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Add a GeoJSON Feature to this DataRenderer.

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Add a GeoJSON FeatureCollection to this DataRenderer.

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Add an action triggered when a Feature rendered by this DataRenderer gets clicked.

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Remove all DataBoundFeature currently stored by this DataRenderer.

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Force a redraw of this DataRenderer onto the current map.

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fun redrawAfter(action: () -> Unit)

Convenience method to avoid unnecessary redraw when styling several DataBoundFeature.

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Remove a DataBoundFeature from this DataRenderer.

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Remove a callback triggered by a click on a Feature.