
Woosmap Android SDK purpose is to offer a full toolkit to ease the integration of Woosmap' services on an Android application. It provides a MapView that you can use to represent any geographical data. You can enrich this MapView with our renderers for various streamlined use-cases. It also contains a full client library to simplify querying our web services.

Configure Gradle to install our SDK

The path to our maven's repository is https://native-sdk.woosmap.com/android/ In settings.gradle.kts file add the path to our maven's repository like this

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://native-sdk.woosmap.com/android/")

Then you can add the dependency to our SDK in your gradle's build.gradle.kts module-level file

dependencies {

How to use

In order to authenticate your application you will need to add a meta-data information to specify your private key in the AndroidManifest.xml in your application's tag like so:

<!-- ... -->
<meta-data android:name="com.woosmap.sdk.privateKey" android:value="YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE" />

Once done if you wish to use directly any of the API clients classes you'll need to make sure you have the library initialized before hand in your code (a single call in the MainActivity is enough)




  • Add support for IndoorOfflineVenue

  • Bump AGP to 8.5.0

  • Bump Kotlin to 2.0.0


  • Add styling options for DistanceRenderer

  • Add callback for the selected route of DistanceRenderer


  • Add stylersJson properties to support custom styles for a map

  • Add callbacks on MapView when style is loaded, map is loaded or if it fails to do so

  • Add missing documentation for size and minSize parameters of DefaultStyleRule


  • Change StoresService to support autocomplete, search and bounds

  • Update StoresAutocompleteTextView to use the correct autocomplete API

  • Allow StoresRenderer.select to take null in order to unselect

  • Bump AGP to 8.2.2

  • Bump dependencies versions

  • Use C++17


  • Change proguard.rules to avoid potential conflict with other dependencies

  • Upgrade AGP to 8.2.1

  • Upgrade to Kotlin and its plugins to 1.9.20

  • Update copyright notice


  • Added support for the new default icons for IndoorRenderer

  • Added support for the new list_sub_buildings parameters of LocalitiesService


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Main package containing the configuration singleton and UI components.

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Contains service classes to use various Woosmap APIs.

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Contains models data classes for Distance API.

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Contains models data classes for Indoor API.

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Contains models data classes for Localities API.

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Contains shared models data classes for several APIs.

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Contains models data classes for Stores API.

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Classes to serialize and deserialize GeoJSON data.

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Contains geometry related classes

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Contains helpers to manage location permissions.

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Classes that can be used with the MapView.

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Camera related classes to be used with a MapView.

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Renderers classes used to draw on a MapView.